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2023.03.27-Easter attacks: Cardinal Ranjith’s writ petition fixed for consideration

2023.03.27-Easter attacks: Cardinal Ranjith’s writ petition fixed for consideration

The Court of Appeal has fixed dates for the consideration of a writ petition filed by the Archbishop of Colombo, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith seeking an order be issued to the Attorney General to implement the recommendations made by the Presidential Commission on Inquiry appointed to investigate into the Easter Sunday attacks.

The order was issued by the Appeals Court judge bench comprising Justices Dhammika Ganepola and Sobhitha Rajakaruna, when the writ petition was taken up today (March 27).

The court has also ordered the relevant parties to file related documents.

Later, the Court of Appeal, which took into consideration the facts presented by the Additional Solicitor General Priyantha Nawana who appeared on behalf of the Attorney General, and the attorneys of the petitioning party, ordered the petition to be recalled on May 09, in order to confirm the facts.

The petitioner, the Archbishop of Colombo, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith stated in the writ filed before the courts that the Presidential Commission appointed to investigate into the Easter Sunday attacks had recommended taking action against a group of police officers for failing to prevent the attack, despite receiving information in advance.

Pointing out that those recommendations have not been implemented as of yet, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith also requested in the petition for the court to issue an order to the Attorney General to implement them.

Source-  Adaderena 



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