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Easter attack 2019 – Judgment of the Supreme Court

Easter attack 2019 – Judgment of the Supreme Court

Easter attack 2019 – Judgment of the Supreme Court

Action taken by the Office for Reparations to comply with the Orders made by the Supreme Court in its judgment dated 12th January 2023 in SCFR Nos. 163/2019, 165/2019, 166/2019, 184/2019, 188/2019, 191/2019, 193/2019, 195/2019, 196/2019, 197/2019, 198/2019, and 293/2019 –

  1. Victim fund was established with effect from January 19th, 2023 at Bank of Ceylon (BOC), Rajagiriya Branch, Account No. 0090167960, under the title ‘Easter Attack April 2019 – Victim Fund’. The respondents have been advised of the account number.
  2. A Notice calling for persons to contribute to the victims’ fund, will be published in the media within the next two weeks in all three languages. The Notice can be accessed here.
  3. Investigations regarding non-payment and underpayment of compensation is ongoing and involves re-examining every payment made to victims in compliance with the scheme then adopted.
  4. The scheme to make payments to victims from the Victim Fund has been formulated and can be accessed here.

    Source- Office for Reparations Sri Lanka

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