EA Info

2024.01.24- 32nd day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.01.24- 32nd day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date : 24/01/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the evidence of the witnesses PW 868, PW 870 and PW 872. The witness PW 873 was also present before the court. The witness PW 864 was absent as he has gone abroad.
According to the medical report of the doctor of the Prison Hospital the 23rd accused has been discharged from the Prison Hospital after the treatments and now he is resting at the cell. His counsel requested and the court ordered the Prison Commissioner to admit him to Colombo National hospital Cardiologist ward and produce a medical report regarding health condition on 6th of February 2024.
The evidence of the 26th witness, PW 868 was taken today. The witness is a front office agent, a cashier at Kingsbury Hotel. The witness has issued a Registration Card for the bomber in Kingsbury Hotel after paying the balance on 20th of April 2019. The bomber reserved the room in the name of Mr. Abdullah Abdullah. According to the National Identity card of the bomber, his real name is Mohomed Asam Mohomed Mubaraq. The witness failed to identify the bomber’s face from the ID photo. Some CCTV footage was marked as P13(5) and P74.
Only the counsel for the 13th accused cross-examined the witness and there was no re-examination.
The evidence of the 27th witness, PW 870 was also taken today. The witness is a Mini bar cleaner of Kingsbury Hotel that day. The CCTV footage of the hotel’s 8th floor LIFT entrance were shown to the witness. On that floor witness met the bomber. During the evidence, the witness said that the bomber asked him the location of his room and the witness pointed out the room. Lawyers of the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross – examine the witness.
The evidence of the 28th witness, PW 872 was also taken today. The witness is an Uber Driver. The witness said that the bomber has got into his car at ShangriLa hotel and went to Kollonnawa laugfs super market. The witness Identified the bomber from the CCTV footage marked as P-13(7). The lawyers of the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross – examine the witness.
The witness 29th, PW 873 is a Cashier of the laugfs super market Kollonnawa. This witness identified the bomber from the CCTV footage marked as P-75 and he said that the bomber asked about Red Bull drink.
The court ordered to issue summons to PW 891, PW 896, PW 902 and PW 906 to be present before the court on the 6th of February.
Next dates: The case will be taken up on the 06th of February 2024 at 1.00 p.m.

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