EA Info

2024.03.05- 44th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.03.05- 44th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused


Date : 05/03/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the evidence of the 51st witness (witness no. 1101), 52nd (witness no. 2197), 53rd witness (witness no. 906) and 54th witness (witness no. 1315). Also witness No 1297 were also present before the court.
The 23rd accused was present in the court, but his lawyer informed the court that he was not well. Honourable judges ordered to take him back to prison. His lawyer was present in the court.
The witness No. 1101 was a driver. His further evidence in chief was conducted today. CCTV footage were shown to the witness and through these CCTV footages the witness identified Inshaf (suicide bomber in Cinnamon Grand hotel) Ilham (one suicide bomber in Shangri -La hotel). A document that was already marked as evidence was shown to the witness and he recognized the photo of Ilham in that document. The lawyers for the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross-examine the witness.
Witness no. 2197 has been working in Hayleys Fentons Ltd since 2005. They install and maintain the CCTV system at the Kingsbury Hotel. During his testimony he mentioned that he got to know about the bomb blast through SMS and after that he reached the hotel. Further he told that when he reached there the CCTV system was switched off as the electricity had been turned off as it was assumed there would be a fire after the bomb blast. Further he testified that date and standard time is generally shown in these CCTV and after the bomb blast when the CCTV started to re- operate the time in the CCTV was standard and correct. The lawyers for the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross-examine the witness.
Witness no. 906 was an executive officer of Kingusbury hotel during the time period that Easter bombing happened and the witness still works there. In 2019, the witness worked on the accounts of the hotel. A document prepared stating the damage caused to the hotel due to the bombing was marked through this witness. Since the defendants’ counsel did not dispute the damages and value shown in the document, it was recorded as an admission under Section 420 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The lawyers for the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross-examine the witness.
Witness no. 1315 is a pastor who was in the Zion church when the Easter bomb blast happened. Through his evidence it was revealed that Zion church (the place where the bomb blast happened) still not repaired fully, therefore the church is still located in another place. State counsel showed a map of Batticaloa to witness and he recognized the place of the Zion church. That map & place marked through this witness. Evidence in chief of this witness was not concluded.
The court advised Witnesses Nos. 1315 and 1297 to be present before the court on the 6th March 2024.
Next dates: The case will be taken up on the 06th of March 2024 at 1.00 p.m for further trial.


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