EA Info

2024.03.14- 49th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.03.14- 49th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date: 14/03/2024
Case number: HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the evidence of the 63rd witness (witness no. 1349), Witnesses no. 1347, 1348 and 2219 were also present before the court.
The 23rd accused was present before the court, this morning. However, the lawyer appearing for the 23rd accused informed the court that his client has a serious heart condition and the 23rd accused has informed the lawyer of the difficulty to stay in the trial. However, the medical report of the doctor (diagnosis card) says otherwise . Therefore, the court did not allow to take him back to prison.
The witness No. 2219 was present before the court. Due to lack of time to take his evidence Additional solicitor General Haripriya Jayasundra requested the court to temporarily release him. Considering facts, the court temporarily released the witness.
The witness No. 1349 worked as a CCTV operator of Taj Samudra hotel when the Easter Sunday attack happened in 2019. Already marked CCTV footage and new CCTV footage were shown to him. Also through him CCTV footages marked as evidence. These CCTV footages showed the way the suicide bomber who attempt to suicide in the Taj Samudra hotel come to the hotel on 17th April 2019, 20th April 2019, 21st April 2019 also the way he leave the hotel and the way he entered to the hotel room and the restaurant named as ‘Ports of Call’. The evidence in chief of the witness No 1349 was not concluded. Therefore he was warned to appear before the court on the next date.
Also witness No 1347 and 1348 were warned to appear before the court on the next date.
Further trial was fixed for 19th of March 2024 and 20th March 2024.
Next dates: The case will be taken up on the 19th of March 2024 at 1.00 p.m. for further trial.

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