EA Info

2024.03.19- 50th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.03.19- 50th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date: 19/03/2024
Case number: HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the evidence of the 63rd witness (witness no. 1349), 64th witness (witnesses no. 1347) and 65th witness (witness no.1348).
The 23rd accused was present before the court. The Superintendent of prison has not tendered a proper report as per the order made by the court. The court made the same order again with copies to the JMO.
The witness No. 1349 continued to give evidence. The fact that the CCTV system in Taj Samudra hotel functioned in good condition and the CCTV footages were handed over to the officials properly were marked as admissions under S. 420 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Certain CCTV footages were marked during examination-in-chief. The lawyers for the accused informed court that they do not intend to cross-examine the witness.
The witness No. 1347 is the then receptionist at Taj Samudra Hotel. Few CCTV footages and documents were marked through the witness. The lawyers for the accused informed court that they do not intend to cross -examine the witness.
Witness No 1348 is a Front Officer at Taj Samudra Hotel. The fact that he helped the bomber to take his bag to his room was marked as an admission under S. 420 of the Criminal Procedure Code. He was released from giving evidence.
Further trial was fixed for 20th of March 2024 and 21st March 2024.
Next dates: The case will be taken up on the 20th of March 2024 at 1.00 p.m. for further trial.

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