EA Info

2024.03.27- 53rd day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.03.27- 53rd day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused


Date : 27/03/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the evidence of witness No.1353 (72nd witness) and witness No.1350 (73rd witness). Witnesses No. 1345 and 2204 were also present before the court. Though the court has issued summons to witness No.2212 & 1351 they were not present before the court.
23rd Accused was not present before the court and the court was informed that he is being treated in the prison hospital.
Further evidence of witness No 1353 was conducted today. He was an employee of New Tropical Inn. Few photos and a CCTV footage were marked during his evidence.
Evidence in chief, Cross examination and re – examination were concluded of the witness.
Witness No 1345 is a three wheeler driver and the suicide bomber who blasted in Tropical Inn has travelled on 21st April 2019 by his vehicle, from Zoo to Dehiwala Junction. Lawyers of the accused admit without, that he had travelled as that. Therefore, it is marked as an admission and did not proceed to take evidence from the witness.
The witness No 1350 is a businessman. He looks after the Masjidh – Ul – Rahaman mosque built by his father. On 21st April 2019 the suicide bomber who blasted in Tropical Inn has come to this mosque. CCTV footage were marked through this witness. The witness has asked the bomber why he was staying there, etc., and the bomber was furious. Then the witness became suspicious of the bomber and informed the head of the mosque’s security. Evidence in chief was not concluded. (This witness was not able to give evidence in Tamil or Sinhala, therefore he testified in English.)
Next dates: The case will be taken up on the 28th of March 2024 at 1.00 p.m for further trial.

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