EA Info

2024.03.28- 54th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.03.28- 54th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date : 28/03/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the evidence of witness No.1350 (73rd witness) & 2208 (74th witness). Witnesses No. 2204 & 2209 were also present before the court.
23rd Accused was not present before the court.
Witness No.2204 has been discharged as the evidence expected to be taken from this witness has already been covered by another witness.
Further evidence of witness No 1350 was conducted today. He is a businessman. He looks after the work of the Masjidh – Ul – Rahaman mosque (Ebenezer mosque) built by his father. On 21st April 2019 the suicide bomber who blasted in Tropical Inn has come to this mosque. CCTV footages were marked through this witness. He has taken photos of Suicide bomber, because he was suspicious. The lawyers for the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross examine.
The prosecution proposed several admissions. One of those is, the death of Piyumi Shanika Salgadu and Aruna priyantha Sanda Kalum. They were died in Tropical Inn from suicide bomb attack. The lawyers of the accused admitted the death of them. Then the lawyers of the accused admitted the government valuation report on property damage to Tropical Inn due to bomb blast. After that, the Prosecution proposed to admit that the bomber arrived at the Tropical Inn from the mosque in Dehiwala after 1pm. It was admitted by the lawyers of accused. Therefore, the witness No 2209 was released.
The Witness No 2208 is an officer of Anqa Consultants Service Pvt Ltd. The head of the witness’s company had informed the witness to check Ebenezer mosque since he was informed by a person from the mosque to come there. Accordingly, the witness had gone there. Then the people had informed the witness about a suspicious person (bomber) who was waiting there for about 3 hours. Then the witness had talked with that suspicious person and had checked his driving licence. Then the witness had called his wife’s phone number and had talked with his wife to get confirmed about the suspicious person. Through this witness marked several documents as evidence. The lawyers for the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross examine.
Witness No 2221, 2222 and 2223 were newly added to witness list. The court issued summons on witness No 1276, 1275, 2220, 2221, 2222 and 2223.
Further trial was fixed for 30th April 2024 and 2nd of May 2024.
Next dates: The case will be taken up on 30th April 2024 at 1.00pm for further trial. 

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