EA Info

2024.05.28- 64th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.05.28- 64th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date : 28/05/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the evidence of witness No.2225 (78th witness) and witness No.1925 (78th witness) were present before the court.
13th and 23rd Accused were not present before the court.
The lawyer appeared for the 23rd accused made an application for bail. The court granted permission for the prosecutor to file written submission on the bail application.
As a previous understanding existed with regards to the 13th and 23rd Accused’s medical condition the trial was to proceed without the 13th and 23rd accused being present.
Witness No.2225 is presently serving as the Stenographer in Kasbewa District / Magistrate court and in 2020 she was worked at theMount Lavinia Magistrate Court as a stenographer. She gave evidence regarding the 11th accused’s statement dated 25.06.2020 which was typed by her and today she identified accused no.11th as the one who gave the statement on the above mention date in the Mount Lavinia deputy magistrate’s chamber.
The evidence in chief of the 2225th Witness concluded and the cross examination commenced. Only the Attorney at law representing the 11th accused cross examined the witness and concluded the same. Thereafter, the re-examination was also concluded. The witness 2225 was released.
Thereafter, the evidence in chief of the witness No.1925 who is presently serving in terrorism Investigation Division as an Investigator since 2012 was also commenced.
The witness was questioned on his duties and responsibilities as the investigator in the Easter Attrack incident. The 11th suspect of this case was investigated by the witness until he was remanded. The witness said that the 11th accused requested so many times to give the statement to the judge. As a result of that under case number B917/2019 of the Mount Lavinia Magistrates court the accused has given his statement.
The witness identified the accused whom he investigated.
The evidence in chief of the Witness concluded and the cross examination commenced. The Attorney at law representing the 11th accused started the cross examination and he asked for a further date for the cross examination.
The witness 1925 ( investigating officer ) is to be present on the next date. Witness no. 2112 and 1913 was issued summons and is to be present on the next date.
Further trial was fixed for 29th of May 2024.
Next dates: The case will be taken up on 29th and 30th May 2024 at 1.00pm for further trial.

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