EA Info

2024.06.06- 69th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.06.06- 69th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date : 06/06/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the trial (Voir dire inquiry) of the 11th accused.
23rd Accused was not present before the court because of his medical condition. He was represented by a lawyer and the trial proceeded in his absence.
The first witness of the 11th accused started to give evidence. He is the father of the 11th accused. He is a Imam in a Mosque. He gave evidence in Tamil and his evidence was translated to Sinhala. A photo and the complaint made to Human Rights Commission was marked as 11Y5 and 11Y6.
The prosecution started to cross-examine the witness. The NIC copy of the sister-in-law of the witness was marked as X9. The cross-examination was not concluded.
The prosecution made an application as a security fact that was mentioned by the security officers to court that the accused are bringing items like bottles, pens, books, a special chair and few other things which are not allowed to be brought by any accused. The court ordered that unless the prison rules provide for such to be brought to court, the accused must obtain the permission of the court to bring any item to court.
The court made an order regarding the security of the 23rd accused as mentioned by his lawyer on the 4th June 2024. The court ordered the prison officials to provide a report regarding this matter.
The court also ordered the prison officials to tender the JMO report of the 23rd accused as it was ordered by the court on 12-03-2024.
The 14th accused gave permission to proceed the trial in his absence on the 11th and 12th, since he has to attend to his clinic on the 11th.
Further trial was fixed for the 11th of June 2024.
Next date: The case will be taken up on 11th of June 2024 at 1.00pm for further trial.

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