EA Info

2024.07.03- 75th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.07.03- 75th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date : 03/07/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the trial (Voir dire inquiry) of the 11th accused.
All accused were present before the court.
Counsel for the 11th accused made oral submissions in English.
Counsel for the prosecution informed court that they will not be making oral submissions and further stated that once the counsel for the accused submits their synopsis the state will file their written submission.
Counsel for the accused objected citing his right to respond to the prosecution’s submissions.
Court ordered that both parties file their respective submissions on the same date and held that parties are to file their written submissions and/ or synopsis on or before 9th of July 2024 at the registry.
The case was fixed for the 4th of July however said date is to be taken off as court is to consider the submissions and deliver the order on the voir dire inquiry.
The case was fixed for the order on the 18th of July 2024 at 1.30 pm
Next dates: The case will be taken up on the 18th of July 2024 at 1.30 pm for the order.

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