EA Info

2024.07.18- 76th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.07.18- 76th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date : 18/07/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the order of the Voir dire inquiry of the 11th accused.
All accused were present before the court.
The judges informed that the order is not ready yet.
The main criminal trial will continue after the court vacation in August.
The case was re-fixed for the order on the 24th of July 2024 at 1.00 pm
Next dates: The case will be taken up on the 24th of July 2024 at 1.00 pm for the order.

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