EA Info

Background to the
criminal cases

There are several criminal cases filed by the State with regard to the main incidents related to easter attacks, but none of the cases have ended up with a conviction up to now, which means no one has been made accountable for easter attacks as of now. The criminal case bearing number HC (TAB) 2972 in Colombo High Court against 25 accused including the person who is alleged to be the master mind behind all the Easter bombings, is considered to be the main criminal case relating to Easter Attacks. The case is scheduled to be heard before a Trial at Bar and indictments containing 23270 charges were served to the accused on 4th of October 2021. The Centre for Society and Religion (CSR) also has appointed a lawyer to appear for the aggrieved parties and therefore receive firsthand information regarding the case.

Indictments were served on the then Inspector General of Police (IGP) and then Defense Secretary over the criminal negligence with respect to 2019 Easter attacks in two separate Trial at Bars at the Colombo High Court under the cases bearing numbers HC (TAB) 2900/21 and HC (TAB) 2899/2021 respectively on 1st of October. A lawyer from CSR looked after the interest of 13 aggrieved parties in both cases. However, accused were acquitted in both cases by Courts on 18th February 2022 even without calling for evidence from the defence. In both cases Judges highlighted the criminal negligence of the Prosecution’s witness i.e. the former director of State Intelligence Services, Nilantha Jayawardana with regard to the easter attacks and condemned the prosecution for filing the two cases without sufficient evidence against the accused.

Several other vital criminal cases were filed in Nuwareliya, Mawanalla, Puttalam, Kalmunei, Kegalle, Kuliyapitiya and in few other Courts, and CSR has been monitoring them, but these cases have seen very little progress.
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