EA Info

2023.11.08- 13th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2023.11.08- 13th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused
Date : 08/11/2023
Case number : HCTAB 2972/21
Brief update : The subject case was taken up before the trial at bar to continue the evidence of the No. 1011(Front Officer) witness of the prosecution. In addition to that witness No.1007 and witness No.1008, were present in court. Today the evidence in chief of the witness No. 1011(Front Officer ) of the prosecution was concluded. All together 3 CCTV footage related to the movements of the two people who are wearing blue and red T shirts were marked. They were booking a room in Shangri-La. The witness identified the movements of the two people in the 3 CCTV footages and he also identified them in the four photos which he had previously identified in CID investigation.
The lawyer who appears for the 2nd, 9th and 23rd accused cross examined the No.1011 witness. The lawyers who appear for the other accused informed the court that they will cross examine the witness tomorrow.
Next date : The case will be taken up tomorrow (09/11/2023) at 1.00pm for the cross examination of the no.1011 witness by the lawyers of the Accused.

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