EA Info

2024.03.07- 46th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused

2024.03.07- 46th day of the Main Easter Attacks Criminal Trial against 24 Accused


Date : 07/03/2024
Case number : HC(TAB) 2972/21
Brief update:
The subject case was taken up before the Trial at Bar for the evidence of the 55th witness (witness no. 1291), 56th witness (witness no:1277) and 57th witness (witness no:1281). Witnesses No 1279, 1274 and 2198 were also present before the court. Even though the court has issued summons for witness no 1278, he was not present before the court since he was abroad. Though on 6th March 2024 witness no 1297 was warned to come to court he was absent today as his child was sick.
The prison officers brought 23rd accused to the court, The lawyer who appears for the 23rd Accused informed the court that his client has a serious heart condition. After considering the submission, the Honourable Judges ordered as follows. The Prison Superintendent was informed that in future the prison doctor must ensure that if the 23rd Accused appears in the court, he should be in a state that he could remain in the court and appear in the proceedings, as his physical condition could be further deteriorated and his life would be endangered by participating in the proceedings of the court. Also Honourable judges ordered to take him back to the prison.
The witness No 1291 is a retired doctor. Her house is situated near the Zion church. There were 6 CCTV cameras fixed in her house by the time of the Easterattacks. CCTV footages of these cameras had been collected by investigation team. They informed the witness that the time mentioned on CCTV and the standard time is different. Already marked CCTV footage was shown to her. Already marked photo and a new photo were shown to her and were marked as evidence. She testified that she was informed that the head of the suicide bomber was found between the ceiling and the tiled roof of the dining room of her house, and that she did not see it. The lawyer of the 13th accused cross examined the witness and the witness was not re-examined.
The witness No 1277 is a Three wheel driver. The suicide bomber who committed suicide in Zion church, Baticalola, has went to a Mosque on 21st April 2019 by the three wheeler driven by this witness. The suicide bomber has come by a bus at about 2:07 am. CCTV footages were shown to this witness and marked as evidence. The lawyers for the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross-examine the witness.
The witness No 1281 was the second imam of the mosque where the suicide bomber who committed suicide in Zion church, Baticalola was went on the early morning of 21st of April 2019. The evidence given by this witness is as follows in brief. CCTV footages of cameras of the mosque had been given to the investigation officers. The witness stated that there is a 1 hour difference between actual time and the time mentioned in the CCTV cameras of the respective church. Already marked CCTV footage was shown to this witness and new CCTV footages marked as evidence through this witness. The witness identified the suicide bomber while watching the CCTV footages in the court room. The lawyers for the accused informed the court that they do not intend to cross-examine the witness.
State Counsel informed the court that they are able to call witness no 1297 before the court on 12th March 2024. The court warned Witnesses Nos. 1274, 1279 and 2198 to be present before the court on the 13th March 2024. The case was fixed for the trial on 14th March 2024 as well.
Next dates: The case will be taken up on the 12th, 13th and 14th of March 2024 at 1.00 p.m for further trial.


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